Friday, July 02, 2004

The Hollywood Extra

Pay a visit to The Hollywood Extra, one of my favorite web sites. You'll crack up following the adventures of professional movie extra Phil Schwartzetti aka Donovan Swing and his roommate Vince Burlap, extra/photographer/busboy/car expert. The bar below is one of their hangouts. I've been looking for it for months.

I'm particularly fond of their hot friend Babs Muller.

Let Phil Schwartzetti tell you about Babs:

"She left for Japan 5 years ago. She sent me this picture last year, with a note. She doesn't get high anymore. She only drinks Japanese beer, and is in love with a local guy who owns a club. She also got a 'non paid-part time job' at some car design studios. God only knows what she does there, but it gives her access to a bunch of secret photos. She sends them all to my roommate Vince, who posts them on the Internet."

Like the Butt Bar, I'm still looking for those pics of Babs!

Be sure to check out The Hollywood Extra store, where you can find T-shirts, coffee cups, lunch pails and a Babs Muller calendar. I'm buying one!

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