The BraBall Song
[Photo: Ken Duffy]
Over 17,000 bras rolled into a ball and here is a song to
commemorate the event:
"Oh Bra Dee"
(parody lyrics by 'The Titillators'
sung to the Beatle's "Oh Bla Dee")
Oh bra dee
Oh bra dah
Ball goes on bra
La la la la
Bra ball goes on
Emily has a bra ball and it has gotten big.
It weighs over eighty thousand pounds.
The only way to move it is on a heavy rig,
And when it is home it is pretty hard to get around.

[Photo: Robert Ramos]
Oh bra dee
Oh bra dah
Ball goes on bra
La la la la
Bra ball goes on
In a coupla years
they will have to build a bra dome home.
With a coupla baby balls in the yard,
Instead of little lawn gnomes.
Ha ha ha ha

[Photo: Ken Duffy]
Emily has a bra ball and it has gotten big.See and read more about artist Emily Duffy at her BraBall web site.
It weighs over eighty thousand pounds.
The only way to move it is on a heavy rig,
And when it is home it is pretty hard to get around.
Oh bra dee
Oh bra dah
Ball goes on bra
La la la la
Bra ball goes on...
Also check out her MondrianMobile.
[BraBall sculpture and Website ©2003 Emily Duffy]
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